Conversation Dialogue

(At a book festival)
Yasmine : "Hi! My name is Yasmine. What's yours? "
Asri : "I'm Asri."
Yasmine: "I'm from Bandung. Where do you from?"
Asri: "I'm from Japan."
Yasmine : "Wow, it's so far from here. Do you come all the way here just to meet Andrea Hirata?"
Asri : "Yes, I do. I like reading novels and I'm a fan of him. How about you?"
Yasmine : "That's great! I like reading too."
Asri: "What's your other favorite writers?"
Yasmine: "I like Rick Riordans and J.K. Rowling. How about you?"
Asri: "I like J.K. Rowling too. I love Science Fiction and Fantasy books. What genre do you like?"
Yasmine: "Me too! By the way, do you come here alone?"
Asri: "No, I come with my cousin. My parents don't allow to me to go alone since I'm still in high school."
Yasmine: "Oh, you're still a high school student. Are you on holiday?"
Asri: "Yes, I'm a 10th grader and it's winter holiday now. How about you?"
Yasmine: "Wow, we're on the same grade. I'm on holiday too. Where do you stay here?"
Asri: "I stay in my aunt's house. Do you live around here?"
Yasmine: "No, I live in Gedebage. It's not really close."
Asri : "Nice to meet you. Can I have your phone number?"
Yasmine: "Sure, it's XXXXXXX."
Asri : "Thanks, we'll catch up later."
Yasmine: "Okay, bye!"
Asri: "Bye!"


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