Get to Know Me

Hello peeps!

It's me, Yasmine Aliyah Garinanda or just call me Yasmine in short. But I prefer to be called Mine.

I was born on 13th of July 2002 in Bandung. I am the eldest child in the family but I still act like a little child. I look as childish as I act and I have a small build (r:body) so sometimes people mistook me as a junior high school student. If you lose me in a crowd, just look for the shortest girl because that must be me. 

My voice is not really loud and I talk slowly or softly so please always be all ears on me. My shy personality doesn't help me too. I don't have enough confidence or courage to talk in front of the crowd. I'm not a really friendly person either. So, I only talk when it's necessary unless you're close with me. I'm also not aware of things around me. It makes me look like I'm arrogant, self centered or I don't want to be friends with anyone. But, in fact, I like making new friends even if I'm not friendly. Yeah, that's kind of confusing. Just don't think about me trying to push you away when I don't greet you in the hall, I maybe don't see you or I'm too shy to open my mouth.

Now, let's talk about my school life. I was in a private elementary school and then I went to a public school. It was 5 Junior High School. That was a new experience for me because my elementary school is really close to my house so I didn't have to get up as early as I did when I got in the junior high school. I had to get through traffic jams that would make me want to quit school anytime. My bestfriends used to be the reason I still went to school. I became lazy and I didn't know if I would pass the national exam with good score. So, I did tutor a lot and came home late because I really wanted to study at the best senior high school in Bandung. I thought I wouldn't be attending that kind of high school. But now, I study at 3 Senior High School Bandung that is located nearby my old school. I didn't expect it and I'm not up to go early to school in the dawn but I'm really glad and thankful to become one of the new students there. Now, I'll study harder to achieve my dreams.

That's all from me. I don't know what to say anymore.

Thank you for your time!


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