LDKS or Student Basics Leadership Training

This post will be all about me telling my experience on Student Basics Leadership Training or LDKS.

First of all, LDKS, "Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Siswa" or Student Basics Leadership Training is an annual 3-day-training program that is held to improve the students' confidence and skill in leadership. In this program, we will be trained to be discipline too. In Indonesia, it is a must for every public senior high school to hold this event, including my school, but only for the 10th grade students. Now, let’s get into the story!

This year, as a 10th grader, I participated my new school LDKS. It was held on 21st until 23rd of September at PUSSENIF, some kind of place that is like a educational Infanteri training for Indonesia's national army or TNI. I was really afraid of hearing rumors about how cruel LDKS is and that we'd be trained by soldiers. But, there was nothing I could do so I just packed my things.

At the first day, we had to come early in the morning to PUSSENIF and bring things that had been listed days before the event. I brought a big mountain backpack that made me looked so small since I brought lots of things and I was too lazy to bring more bags. We gathered at the PUSSENIF and then, after all the students showed up, we held an opening ceremony for this program.

The training hadn't started yet but the ceremony already drained my energy. After the ceremony, we were taken to the hall. We sat at the chairs and listened at some 'welcoming' speech from the people from TNI and our school principle. Most of activities were indoors, so the rest of the day, we got some basic lessons and power points about things that we'd do the next following days. At the night, I couldn’t sleep a wink. I just stared at the ceiling for hours. Then, fell asleep minutes before we got woken up by the fire alarm to get to the field outside and got punished because I didn’t bring my cap. I was like a borderline zombie doing push ups half asleep.

The next day, we had some morning exercise and breakfast. The next activity was PBB or march training (Idk what it’s in English) until afternoon. And this is the most memorable thing that still makes me laugh anytime I recall LDKS. So, after eating and some break for praying, the trainers took us to the Taman Makam Pahlawan Cikutra. We got there by walking about an hour. After we got there, they told us to make a circle and do it in pairing. So, I paired with Shalma. And then, they gave each of us a paper and we must memorize the paragraph on it. Then, they told us that it was gonna be a ‘Jurit Malam’. I already knew that there’d be this walking-around-the-cemetary-at-night activity and I must admit that I’m not a fan of this. But, like usual, eventhough I got terrified as heck, I was still curios about it. So, when it’s our time to start the game, I was so ready and full of spirit. Lucky me, we didn’t walk in alone. I went with Syifa and Tiara. Both of them are bigger than me and they let me to walk on the center so I felt a bit secured haha. Then, we started walking hand in hand like we only let go when we reached the posts. The path was really scary before the first post. There were fogs and it’s an old cemetry. We also got tripped sometimes since we had to walk up the small staircase in the dark. At the first post, each of  us were told to take a rolled paper in a fishbowl that was placed on a grave. The second post, we had to small random things and guess it. The third one was tasting and guessing. On the fourth post, we had to guess what was inside the bucket full of water . and the last one, we were told to did the squatwalking.  The thing that was hilarious for me is when I got scared away by the sound of my friend’s walking because I thought it was something else. Maybe, I’d be running leaving them behind if they didn’t hold me. Fortunately, we were safely arrived to the final and I still remembered the paragraph I got. After we finished I laid on the ground and slept, waiting for the last group finished. Then, It was time to open the paper from the first post. We made a circle with our position when we first get there and a big fire set in the middle. After that, the candles in front of us were lit and they told us to close our eyes and listen. Then, we threw the paper that contained our ‘nama suci’ or sacred name (?) to the fire and shut the candles. Finally, we went back to PUSSENIF and took a rest.

On the last day, there’s an outbond game. There were 6 or more sections but I don’t remember some of them. It was fun though. And that was the only time I really laughed out loud. Still, I can’t wait to go home ASAP. Before the closing ceremony, we watched G30SPKI movie, it was a history film so I couldn’t help but fell asleep during the movie until it ended and I didn’t understand anything. Finally, we packed our things and carried our bags leaving all the sorrow behind.

I actually had not a really bad time there but I don’t want to be in it again though. At least, I got something good to learn from this event that I have to be more discipline than before because I messed up a lot.

And I forgot to mention that all the guys got their hair cut until they bald. I was shocked and nervous looking at them at first but it became funny so everytime I look at the guys I always end up laughing a little. I touched some of my guy friends hair and it felt like you’re touching a mat. It’s quite satisfying HAHA. Actually, I felt sorry for them losing the hair. I also felt terrible for laughing at them. But, their hair grow eventually. So, they’re not as bald now. That’s a good sign, right?

Now let’s wrap it here. That’s my LDKS story. See you on my next entry!


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