Discussion : Resume

Giving Opinions and Thoughts

1st group
Topic               : Human contact makes orangutans die
Pro                  :
  • -       Many people who visit orangutans’ habitat come from around the world and might bring disease for the orangutans.
  • -      There should be a maximum distance (at least 10 m) to avoid infection to orangutans.

Contra             :
  • -       The diseases that orangutans had don’t always come from humans or the visitors.
  • -       The number of orangutans in a habitat makes it hard for the visitors to keep the maximum distance from them.

My opinion     :
I agree that we, humans, shouldn’t bother the orangutans in their habitat because it could cause them stress or make them feel uncomfortable so we have to keep distance from them.

3rd group
Topic               : Early Marriage
Pro                  :
  • -       The couples can grow up together and their love will be long-lasting.
  • -       Early marriage avoids free sex on teenagers.

Contra             :
  • -       The couples aren’t biologically ready for marriage and they are still immature.
  • -       Early marriage interferes the couples’ growth process and it can cause some chronic diseases because their bodies aren’t ready.

My opinion     :  
I don’t agree with early marriage even if it avoids free sex because sex is not something for teenagers and children in my country. Not only because of the norms here, I believe our bodies haven’t fully developed yet so it can ruin our bodies. Besides, our lives still depend on our parents economically and on other aspects too. So, we should focus on studying instead and marry when we’re older and more mature.

4th group
Topic               : Man-eating snakes
Pro                  :
  • -       Snakes need to be banished because it can reproduce more if we let them live and they’re dangerous for the villagers.

Contra             :
  • -       Snakes use their instincts to hunt so they see humans as their prey to eat just like they see their other preys.

My opinions    :
I disagree to kill the snakes because the place where the villagers live may used to be the snakes’ habitat so we have no right to make them leave their homes and we can’t blame their instincts for hunting because they need to eat too and we can’t kill the whole species just because they kill some of us when we also hunt them down to sell their skin. So, I think we should let them live and we need to be more careful around gardens or places where snakes potentially show up or just avoid that area.

5th group
Topic               : Psychology test for driver license
Pro                  :
  • -       It’s time consuming and held only for formality.

Contra             :
  • -       It can check the drivers’ way of thinking when facing some situations on the road.
  • -       It can reduce traffic accident.

My opinions    : I agree because we also need to put our attention on psychology besides our skill on driving because we have to drive carefully and wisely since we can endanger other peoples’ lives if we drive it carelessly and being ignorant to our surrounding. Also, sometimes we have to decide on unexpected things when we’re driving and we have to choose it wisely but some people get panicked and choose bad decision. So, with the psychology test, if we’re the kind of people who get easily panicked or drive carelessly, we will be educated by the polices and we can do the test again if we fail after being educated.

6th group
Topic               : Community for transgender-women
Pro                   :
  • -       The community can help them to improve their self-esteem
  • -       The community can help them build their lives and they can’t be judged of who they are.

Contra             :
  • -       Transgenders are not grateful for their lives.
  • -       Their identities don’t match both female and male sex so they can’t be employed.

My opinions    :
I agree because we can’t judge anyone because we probably aren’t better than them too. And we shouldn’t judge their decisions to be who they want or call them ungrateful because as humans, we have to support each other and if they’re happy for themselves, we shouldn’t make them lose their confidence and it’s their matter with God, it doesn’t have anything to do with us. In my opinion, this community can protect them and give them more opportunity to live their lives just like how we live.

7th group
Topic               : School zonation
Pro                  :
  • -       Students won’t feel tired because of the distance they have to reach to school because the school is near to their houses.

Contra             :
  • -       Students who live far from the school can’t choose to study at the school they dream of because of the zonation.

My opinion     :
As someone who lives far from school, I disagree with this regulation because I don’t think this regulation is ready to use because, for instance, I live in a packed neighborhood where all around my house are more houses but there’s only one public school each for elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. So, if the schools are already full of students, we don’t have another choice beside attending the private schools which are far from this area too. Besides, the facility in the schools here are not as complete as the one at my current school and the quality of the education is really bad. So, I think if the government really wants to continue this regulation, they should distribute the development and quality of education evenly and build more schools with the same standard facility at all places.

8th group
Topic               : Green project for Asian Games
Pro                  :
  • -       The green project only focused on its development in Jakarta but doesn’t put attention on other places.

Contra             :
  • -       We should wait more because government can’t prepare green project in a really short period of time.

My opinion     :
            I agree with the green project and I think it will great for our country to have this project since there’s been some forest fire that is caused by our people so this project may reduce the impacts from it and make it green again. But I think this project shouldn’t be only a project for Asian Games so the government should continue the project.


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