My Goals

First of all, I'm going to tell you my background. My name is Yasmine Aliyah Garinanda. I was born on 13th of July 2002 in Bandung. Currently, I'm 16 years old. I'm studying at SMAN 3 Bandung. I have one sister and I'm the oldest child in my family. My sister is Raina and she's 12 years old.

Basically, I'm really lazy and I have bad temper so I get easily annoyed by everything and I rant a lot. I often procrastinate many things. And I also have a low self esteem and it makes me compare myself to others. People said that I'm a quiet person and I think that's a fact because I don't like talking too much. I think that can be my strength. Since I'm quiet, I'm good at listening to other people. And I learned how to give advices if someone ask for it to me.

I don't have any unique hobbies. I like playing handphone, watching youtube, and listening to music. I also have never been in a competition. I also like traveling but I don't travel a lot.

My goal is to have a happy life. Because I like traveling, I want to get job that can afford me to travel around the world and that's the job that has high salary. So in order to achieve that, my dream is to study and graduate from a notable university like UNPAD, to be specific, from the medical faculty. After I graduate, I want to graduate from a specialist school and work in hospital as a specialist. And I also want to open my own clinic.


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